E-mails: Million Dollar Portfolios

123,439 Million Dollar Portfolios w/ E-mails
Base Cost @ $150/M

Multi-Contact Strategy: $200/M (Includes dedicated e-mail push, name and mailing address)


Deliver your e-mail offer straight to the desktops of these highly liquid individual investors! These major players have an investment portfolio of $1,000,000 net minimum value. This file is ideal for financial services professionals and others who want to target select individuals with the cash flow to invest in a multitude of interesting investment, financial and consumer products and services.

Each member of this elite group has voluntarily (opt-in) provided his e-mail address. They are a perfect audience for upscale investment seminars, asset acquisition programs, retirement and financial planning, portfolio diversification, and other high-end products and services. Plus, when you use the Multi-Contact Strategy, you leverage your exposure to this prime target audience by e-mail and direct mail, maximizing your response rate.

  • Private Banking
  • Real Estate Development Projects
  • Resort Property Promotions
  • Exclusive Travel Offers
  • Portfolio Management
  • Estate and Retirement Planning
  • Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
  • Joint Venture Partnerships
Contact ADMS Now at 1-469-227-0775 for Immediate Assistance.

Serving the Direct Marketing Community Since 1975
6136 Frisco Square Blvd. Suite 400, Frisco, TX 75034

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