MicroCap MarketPlace
Your window to the MicroCap Community

MicroCap MarketPlace Investors @ $75/M
Last 12 Months: 328,165
Investor Email List Description:

MicroCap MarketPlace provides carefully researched microcap and small cap investment opportunities to its newsletter readership, registered website members and visitors with a specific focus on well-managed, high growth companies under $300 million market cap.

These are serious microcap investors and penny stock traders with high incomes and significant investment portfolios. They have proven to be receptive, responsive and eager to participate in quality, high risk U.S. and International investment opportunities.

Suggested Marketing Strategies:
Penny Stock Promotion
Equity Crowdfunding
MicroCap Investors
High Risk Investors
Investor Relations Programs
Speculative Investors
Penny Stock Traders
Seminar Promotion
Exclusively Managed By:
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