Joint Venture Investor Leads

Lead Type: Joint Venture Investors
Description: These individuals have exceptionally high incomes (estimated above $150,000) and are wisely investing it. Their investments and interests range in scope from real estate investments to highly speculative oil & gas ventures, equipment leasing, alternative energy, movie production, agricultural ventures, income producing properties and all types of technology companies.They have proven to be responsive to investment offers of all types such as: Oil and Gas, Private Equity Investments, Movie Production, Alternative Energy Investments and more.
Quantity: (173,012) Oil & Gas Investor Leads
(90,995) Real Estate Investor Leads
(77,384) Private Equity Investors List
Price: .30 cents per lead
Price Details: (includes name, mailing address & telephone number)
Estimated Income: $150,000+
Est. Investment Portfolio: $500,000+
Avg. Net Worth: $1,000,000+
Age: 75% 45-69
Gender: 92% Males
Available Formats: digital format in .csv, 3×5 cards
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