The Daily Dozen: A Sales Prospecting Strategy
(Part 3 of 3)

by cassonm3diagrp

HOW TO DEVELOP A TELEMARKETING SCRIPT: So here you are, looking at your prospect list about to make your first call when you ask yourself: “What in the heck do I say when I call these people?” I get this question a lot too.  Some of my clients have been in their respective industries for years and still ask this …

cassonm3diagrpThe Daily Dozen: A Sales Prospecting Strategy
(Part 3 of 3)

Database Marketing and Targeted Mailings

by cassonm3diagrp

I recently read the following article, liked what I read and secured permission from Annetta Holmes to post it here on my marketing blog.  I think you’ll find some solid thoughts and maybe a few ideas to enhance your campaigns.  SC Why should targeted marketing using segmented consumer mailing lists be the back bone of your marketing strategy? The following …

cassonm3diagrpDatabase Marketing and Targeted Mailings