Ultra-Niche Marketing, Technology and the Power of Direct Mail

by cassonm3diagrp

1-800-527-5080Even as the internet gains more and more prominence, good old direct mail advertising is not going away.  In fact, many technological advances in marketing, advertising and data gathering processes have made the power of direct mail greater than ever before.

Demographic profiles in regards to mailing list selection have never been more important, or more nuanced, and that fact makes it possible to target customers in a highly effective manner.

At no time in history has there been more information available about the demographics, psychographics, buying habits and particular tastes of more individuals around the world.  Savvy marketers and smart business owners can use this information to specifically target their marketing messages in a way that will be most compelling to those who receive the actual mailings.

Direct Mail ROI

This tight targeting of messages can dramatically increase response rates, lower costs per customer acquired and enhance the overall return on investment.   ROI is always an important matrix for marketing professionals, and tightly focused direct mail marketing is one of the best ways to get the most value out of every advertising dollar.

Slice It and Dice It from Accredited Investors to Ultra Affluent Consumers

These days there are tightly focused mailing lists (telemarketing and email lists too) available for virtually every demographic one can think of… from serious small-cap stock buyers to Accredited Investors to retirees living in million dollar condos in New York to highly affluent luxury product buyers living in the suburbs… there are plenty of ways to slice the pie.

By targeting the message to the needs and wants of the recipients, and by testing and tweaking their marketing materials, advertisers can tailor their campaigns to a number of different demographic profiles, thereby using the power of technology to create more effective and profitable direct mail marketing campaigns.

And that can provide an immediate and positive impact to their bottom line.

cassonm3diagrpUltra-Niche Marketing, Technology and the Power of Direct Mail